opinions expressed in these papers and articles are those of their original
authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the opinions of this
site. Similarly, the inclusion of these items does not necessarily
represent endorsement by the contributors of other views expressed elsewhere
on this website.) -
John L.
Cyclonic Storms Over Western Europe by Max
Beran (Britain) (15 Dec 03). Max Beran analyses claims by the Hadley Centre that a significant trend in UK storminess over the past half-century
or so had occurred. He finds that a faulty treatment of the North
Atlantic Oscillation resulted in the claimed effect being a statistical
artefact, not actually real.
in CO2 Growth Rate Associated with Solar Activity by Dr
Theodor Landscheidt (Germany) (21 Sept 03). Solar activity and solar motion
variations are found to explain much of the variability of CO2 growth over
the last several decades. The average annual increase over the
last 10 years was 1.66 ppmv/yr, which is less than half that assumed by
climate models.
Heat Wave in Europe: The Mystery Unveiled
by Eduardo Ferreyra (Argentina) (21 Sept 03). The
recent heat in Europe made headlines in the media
and was used as evidence
that "global warming" is a fact.
Guess what: human activities had nothing
to do with it. See an excellent explanation of how meteorology, not global
warming, was responsible for the heat wave.
Variations in El-Niño Intensity
Dr Theodor Landscheidt (Germany) (20 May
2003). Where does El Niño and La
Niña go from here? Using his solar motions analysis (which successfully predicted the last La Niña
and the recent El Niño), Dr
Landscheidt looks 80 years into the future and finds La Niña more
Good Scientific Practice and the Lomborg
Affair in Denmark by Prof. (em) Dr Arthur Rorsch (Netherlands) (30 Apr 03).
questions raised about the procedures used against Prof Bjorn Lomborg
("The Skeptical Environmentalist"). Prof Rorsch invites
reader comments.
Temperature Change (14
Apr 03) - Dr
Vincent R. Gray (New
Zealand) - Updated comprehensive survey of surface temperature network, finding
it to be unreliable, and flawed in numerous specified ways.
Forecast of U.S. Drought Based on Solar Activity by
Dr Theodor Landscheidt
(Germany) (15
Mar 2003). Following from
his stunning success in predicting the timing of the current El Niño
over 4 years ago, Dr Theodor Landscheidt has now applied his solar
analysis technique to the problem of periodic drought conditions in the
U.S. He has developed a long-range forecast covering the period up
to 2030. He predicts
that the next extended wet period should begin around 2007 and last
about 7 to 8 years. A draught peak is to be expected from 2025 on
and should last about five years. Also available in Spanish.
The Polar Bears
of Hudson Bay by Miceal O'Ronain (USA)
(29 Dec 2002). Photos of cuddly bear cubs -
statistical sleights of hand - all to persuade Canadians that their
polar bears were threatened by `global warming'. This is all
exposed in this paper and the true situation with both the bears and the
chilly climate they live in is revealed.
WIND... Wind Farms as a Blight on the Landscape by Mark Duchamp (Spain). Discusses the numerous
adverse effects of wind farms on the natural environment with no climatic
benefit whatsoever (10
Nov 02).
First Global Warming Refugees' by Dr Wilson Flood (U.K.) 20 Oct
02. Was an Alaskan village the victim of global
warming, or merely `longshore drift', a common coastal phenomenon? Dr
Flood reveals how a natural process has been another media beat-up over over
`global warming'.
Alaska at the Limits
by Miceal O'Ronain
(USA). How the New York Times completely mangled their reportage of recent
Alaska temperatures, and could not even get their `correction' right.
A New Metric to Detect
CO2 Greenhouse Effect Applied To Some New Mexico Weather Data (24 July 2002) by
Slade Barker (USA). An enhanced CO2 greenhouse effect should result in
greater heat retention in the atmosphere at night. Dr Barker, a retired geophysicist, uses historical data to show this does not
happen in dry New Mexico.
the Models: Climate Change through Color
Change by Miceal O`Ronain
See Preview regarding this latest National
Assessment scandal.
The failure to include many factors in climatology (1 July 02) by Dr.
Tim Ball (Canada). An essay to show that
many variables which affect climate are ignored by climate modellers and the
IPCC. Special emphasis on Canada.
El Niño Forecast Revisited (19 March 02) by Dr Theodor Landscheidt (Canada).
Dr Landscheidt reviews his prediction made over 3 years ago on this website of
the El Niño now developing, and describes his method in layman's terms for the
benefit of non-expert readers.
A `Trace' of
Snow in Butte, Montana (4 Jan 2002)
by Tony Bergantino
When does a dump of snow
become merely a `trace' of snow? As this article by Tony Bergantino of the
Office of the Wyoming State Climatologist shows, the `surface record' of
anything is not always what it seems. The linked article below is both
self-explanatory and highly disturbing for the credibility of the Historical
Climate Network.
Weather Singularities over Alaska (21 Dec 2001) by Jan Curtis (USA), state climatologist for Wyoming, Reports on an unusual
phenomenon which defies normal weather statistics.
Hug & Barrett versus IPCC
Dec 2001) by Dr Heinz Hug (Germany) and Dr
Jack Barrett (UK). The reaction of atmospheric gases to radiation lies at
the very core of Greenhouse theory. Hug & Barrett demonstrate that the
IPCC has over-estimated the radiative effect of greenhouse gases by a factor of
more than 3, due largely to the IPCC's failure to account for the spectral
behaviour of water vapour. `Open Review' here.
Greenhouse Delusion: Critique of "Climate
Change 2001: The Scientific Basis" (9 Dec 2001)
by Dr Vincent Gray
(NZ). Major report and critique on the IPCC Third Assessment Report, 2001
the News: The Sunday Times and British Climate by Miceal O'Ronain & John L. Daly
How the London Sunday Times has been distorting climatic data without so
much as a murmur from the originators of that data. (20
Nov 2001)
Disaster, Failure or Success? – Towards a better interaction between scientists,
policy-makers and society groups by
Dr. Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen (UK). Discussion
of the deep politicisation of the IPCC process (5 Nov 2001)
Relationship Between the 10.7 cm & Niño 3.4 Indices and
Wyoming Droughts, 1958-1999
Jan Curtis (Wyoming State Climatologist) - October 2001. How the sun is driving the
climate in Wyoming.
The Carbon Dioxide Thermometer: Updated
by Dr Jarl Ahlbeck (27 Aug 2001). Dr
Ahbeck updates his CO2 Thermometer in light of the small increase in CO2 for
The UN IPCC's Artful Bias
by David Wojick, Ph.D. Glaring
Omissions, False Confidence and Misleading Statistics
the Summary for Policymakers
of Working Group 1 of the
IPCC Third Assessment Report
Can’t Help, but it Could Hurt!! by Dr. James J. O’Brien ( Professor of Meteorology and Oceanography
at Florida State University, also the State of Florida
Climatologist.) His thoughts on the state of climate science in the U.S. (9 July 2001)
The U.S. National
Academy of Sciences Issues a Distorted Report - Comments on the National Academy
Report on Climate Change by Prof S. Fred Singer (9 June 2001)
Trends in
Pacific Decadal Oscillation Subjected To Solar Forcing by Dr
Theodor Landscheidt
(25 April 2001). First ENSO, then the
NAO (item below), now Dr Landscheidt completes the trilogy
demonstrating that the 50-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation is also a product of
solar forcing, not random chance.
Warming: How It All Began (9
May 99) by Richard
Courtney (Britain). How
global warming had its origins as an act of political expediency in Britain,
only to become a global scare
Solar Eruptions
Linked to North Atlantic Oscillation by Dr Theodor Landscheidt
(Canada) (9 April 2001).
After predicting that the
next El Niño will peak late next year, Dr Landscheidt now shows that a similar
correlation exists between solar motion/activity cycles and the N.A.O.
Carbon Dioxide Sink
1970-2000 and Model Projections to 2100: a Statistical Mass Transfer
Analysis by Dr Jarl Ahlbeck (12 Mar 2001).
In this report it is shown that the UN- IPCC CO2 model gives
exaggerated future CO2 concentrations for given emissions probably due to underestimating
the sensitivity of the carbon sink flow rate to enhanced atmospheric CO2.
Carbon Model
Calculations by Peter Dietze (31 Mar 2001). Carbon models lie at the heart of
the IPCC predictions about future CO2 levels and future climate. But their
numbers do not add up as demonstrated in this paper by Peter Dietze.
Open Review
on Peter Dietze's paper.
Climate Change Skepticism Is A Noble Calling
David Wojick (2
March, 2001) In this short but incisive article, David Wojick
explains the key role climate change sceptics have in the public policy process.
For example, he states as a general `principle of assessment' -
When a body of science comes to have public policy
implications it must undergo a higher level of scrutiny."
of Global Cooling by
Fred L. Oliver
Feb 2001) A detailed discussion on both the science and politics of
`global warming'. This paper is the culmination of four years of study into the
issue by the author.
Climate Change Quiz by Jeff Norman (25 Nov 2000). If you are Canadian, test your knowledge about your own climate
Change 2001: The Scientific Basis" - The `Summary for Policymakers: An Appraisal
by Dr Vincent Gray
(12 Nov 2000) Dr Gray demonstrates how
this latest IPCC document fails to meet even the most basic of scientific
Confirmation of Strong Solar Forcing of Climate by
Dr Theodor Landscheidt
(7 Nov 2000). Recent flooding of the River Po in Italy
was predicted in advance through Solar Motion Cycle analysis.
Cause of `Global Warming' (4 Nov 2000) by Vincent Gray (New Zealand). Dr Gray shows how `global
warming' is produced, not by warming of the climate, but by warming of the
instruments that measure climate.
Halloween 13 - Global Warming
Horror Movies and
Global Warming GI-GO
(25 Oct 2000) Two Op-Ed articles by Paul K. Driessen of the `Frontiers of Freedom' to mark
Halloween and the coming U.S. presidential election.
With Climate Change, Based on Historical Experience by
Gary D. Sharp (Center
for Climate/Ocean Resources Study PO Box 2223, Monterey, CA 93942)
Most Essential Model Errors (3 Jun 2000) by
Peter Dietze.
A new paper which focuses on IPCC's three most essential
modelling and core parameter errors.
on the Second Draft of the IPCC Third Scientific Assessment Report
by Vincent
Gray (8 May 00)
Estimation of the Radiative Forcing for
CO2 Doubling (16 Apr 00) - Peter
Dietze (Germany) uses HITRAN spectra and a simple
atmospheric energy equilibrium model for re-radiation, replicating the
new IPCC forcing. But vapour overlap curbs it to 1.9 W/m². The ground
warming is by a factor 4 to 6 less than IPCC's 2.5 °C.
Plus - `Open
Review' comments
Station Record at Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia (31
March 2000) - An investigation by Ken
Parish (a Darwin resident) into why Darwin has apparently
cooled since 1939
Role in the Satellite-Balloon-Surface Issue
(26 Mar 2000) - Dr Theodor
Landscheidt How the satellite
and sonde data shows a more natural response to the sun than does the surface
Big Bangs ! (1 Mar 2000) - Ken
Parish (Australia) - How nuclear weapon tests in the 1950s and 1960s
may have cooled global climate.
Plus - `Open
Review' here
Surface Temperature Record
(25 Jan 2000) - Dr
Vincent Gray (New Zealand) -
Reveals the real reasons why the surface record fails to match the satellite
temperature record.
Assessment Report (TAR) - 2000 Comments and Reviews (20 Jan 2000)
on "Solar Activity: A Dominant Factor in Climate Dynamics" (by
Dr Theodor Landscheidt) (20 Jan 2000)
- Charles "Chick" F. Keller
(USA) - Disputes findings by Dr Landscheidt on solar-climate
linkages Also, see `Open
Review' of Chick Keller's paper here
Climate Events' Linked to Solar Motion Cycle (3
Jan 2000) - Dr
Theodor Landscheidt (Canada)
- NOAA's top climate events of the 20th Century correlate with solar motion
report for IPCC WG1 Third Assessment Report (TAR) (1
Dec 99) - Dr Jarl Ahlbeck
(Finland) - Review of future carbon dioxide concentrations
from latest IPCC emission scenarios.
Global Warming will Lower Sea Level Rise: But will Politicians Listen?
Nov 99) by Prof S. Fred Singer (U.S.A.)
- How interactions between the oceans and the Antarctic ice mass reduces
the rate of sea level rise, not increase it.
Carbon Dioxide Thermometer (2 Nov 99)
by Jarl R. Ahlbeck
(Finland) - Demonstrates that atmospheric CO2 can be used to track global
temperature, and supports the satellite record
Scenarios Old and New (25 Sep 99) -
Dr Vincent Gray (New
Zealand) - New climate scenarios in the IPCC pipeline. (zip
file 10K)
of Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere (26
July 99) by Jarl
Ahlbeck (D.Sc.,
Chem.Eng.) (Finland)- How "consensus"
carbon cycle models overpredict future atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
Discrepancies Between Theory and Experiment (13
July 99) by Jack
(Britain). The growing realisation that
theories about atmospheric radiative transfer are at odds with experimental
of the Solar Fraction and Svensmark Factor (30
June 99) by
Peter Dietze
(Germany). Warming from the sun
is 4 times greater than the initial forcing.
Warming: How It All Began (9
May 99) - Richard Courtney (Britain).
How global warming had its origins as an act of political expediency in
Britain, only to become a global scare
Of Computer-based Climate Models
(2 May 99) - Dr
Vincent Gray (New Zealand)
IPCC has failed to validate computer models upon which predictions of warming
are based.
Increase of the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration due to Ocean Warming
(8-Apr-99) - Dr Jarl Ahlbeck
(Finland). CO2 levels for the pre-industrial time is mainly an effect of
ocean temperature change, not a cause.
Dioxide and Methane Revisited (8-Apr-99)
- Dr Vincent Gray (New
Zealand). Review of several recent papers dealing with carbon dioxide and
methane in the atmosphere.
Warming Reduced (16 Mar 99) - Dr
Vincent Gray (New Zealand). How IPCC estimates of CO2 forcing
have been overblown by 15%.
Carbon Dioxide (28-Feb-99) - Dr
Vincent Gray (New Zealand) discusses new findings that pre-industrial
atmospheric CO2 has been variable during the last millenium
Activity Controls El Niño and La Niña -
A new solar model to explain the timing of previous ENSO events and to
predict future ones - by Dr Theodor Landscheidt
Plus, Reactions
to Landscheidt's paper
Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact? -
Results of an important experiment to find out just how much - or how little
- energy is absorbed by CO2 by
Dr Heinz Hug
(Germany) (9 Sept 98).
Activity: A Dominant Factor in Climate Dynamics - Dr
Theodor Landscheidt (Canada) demonstrates that climate changes are
predominantly the result of solar activity, not human activity)
Analysis of Atmospheric Concentration of Carbon Dioxide
- (Demonstrates an upper limit to atmospheric
CO2. By Jarl R. Ahlbeck D.Sc.(Chem Eng.) Research
Associate, Abo Akademi University, Finland)
Precautionary Principle - (A Warning About a New
and Alien Political-Scientific Paradigm by Hans
Ramm (Editor-in-Chief, Norwegian
Oil Review) (zip file)
Warming with New Global Carbon Cycle Model - Peter Dietze (Germany) Challenges the
IPCC assumptions about CO2 lifetimes
with a new carbon cycle model to show that warming will be much less than
previously thought and that CO2
atmospheric lifetime is only 55 years.)
Temperatures in Australia. (Many pre-1910
temperature records in Australia indicate that the Australian climate was
warmer then than it is now. Is this instrument error, or was it really
warmer? Warwick S. Hughes (Australia) investigates.
Includes a brief response by Dr Neville Nicholls
of the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)
Influences on South African Temperature Trends
- (South Africa climate study by Warwick
Hughes (Australia) and Dr Robert Balling
reveals how CRU got that region all