Station(s) of the Week
(24 January 2004)

Each week, the temperature history of a weather station(s) somewhere in the world will be presented. Most will be from rural sites or small towns, not the big cities to reduce the impact of errors from urban heat islands.  Here is `Global Mean Temperature'  for the 20th century, based on an averaging of mostly city-based surface stations. Note the post-1970s warming, a warming not evident in the satellite record of global temperature (as shown on the main page).

See if the `Station of the Week' has a record like the global one claimed here. Both this global average and the `station of the week' originate from the same data source, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies 

All stations previously shown here are also available at the Stations Page

Colombia Stations

This week' stations are Bogota (4.7N 74.2W with 2.7 million people and the capital of Colombia), and three other stations, Neiva (3N 75.3W with 105,000 people), Calipuerto (3.4N 76.4W with 900,000 people on the Pacific slopes of the Andes mountains), and Las Gaviotas (4.5N 70.9W a rural station in eastern Colombia in the Amazonian basin).

There would appear to be little or no hope that `climate change' might impact adversely on the illicit coca crop.  Very little change is evident, one station  showing cooling, Bogota showing slight warming  (most likely the result of artificial urban heating), and the other two with neutral trends.

On the chart below, the Bogota temperatures should be read off the right-hand vertical `Y' scale, while the other three should be read off the left-hand scale.

Click here for other, mostly rural,  weather station records from around the world

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