Length of Day (LOD)
Jerry Brennan - March 9, 2004

Length of day (LOD) in excess of 86400 seconds (24 hours) from 1974 through 2003

This table lists mean annual estimates of the duration of the day in excess of 24 hours, and the estimated mean error of those estimates. The LOD and error numbers are in milliseconds.

The numbers are derived from daily LOD data at:

(which may have more data than you may want to examine)

and may be considered for use to extend the LOD series in the table at:

LOD since 1623

which has LOD estimates from 1623 through 1998 (as well as other data).

Graphs of LOD from 1623 through 2003, and from 1860 through 2003 may be found at:


YEAR LOD Est Error

1974.5 2.72 0.22238
1975.5 2.69 0.25030
1976.5 2.91 0.29423
1977.5 2.77 0.28338
1978.5 2.88 0.31803
1979.5 2.61 0.28971
1980.5 2.30 0.17200
1981.5 2.15 0.19824
1982.5 2.16 0.19122
1983.5 2.28 0.13008
1984.5 1.51 0.04963
1985.5 1.45 0.03791
1986.5 1.24 0.03817
1987.5 1.36 0.03705
1988.5 1.31 0.03138
1989.5 1.52 0.02249
1990.5 1.95 0.01832
1991.5 2.04 0.01361
1992.5 2.22 0.01112
1993.5 2.36 0.00896
1994.5 2.19 0.00708
1995.5 2.31 0.00794
1996.5 1.82 0.00735
1997.5 1.84 0.00630
1998.5 1.37 0.00656
1999.5 0.99 0.00837
2000.5 0.72 0.00876
2001.5 0.57 0.00521
2002.5 0.48 0.00355
2003.5 0.27 0.00315